Book Review of Jack Miller's "Love and Compassion: Exploring Their Role in Education"


  • Sunnya Khan University of Toronto


 Being an esoteric insatiable lifelong learner that I am, I could not find a single guide to writing a book review which could end my perpetual sin of gluttony (greed/wanting more) and fit my satisfaction criterion. Therefore, I took the liberty of risk taking (some might call it a bold creative endeavor) and allowed myself to design my own guide for this book review. Heavily inspired by Tara Goldstein’s guiding questions for thesis reading, I have attempted to use them as a framework for this review and built on them intuitively. This book review is also grounded in the philosophical assumptions associated with holistic education and will follow a spiritual paradigm. I will begin this review by briefly introducing the book (why I chose it, summary, etc.), followed by explaining the philosophical assumptions associated with holistic education and the spiritual paradigm I will be using. A critical reflection of the book will follow. The conclusion will entail implications and how this book might inform my future research as well as the questions it rose for me.


