Lakota Epistemology as Holistic Being


  • Ethleen Iron Cloud Two Dogs


Lakota Epistemology, Relationality, Lakota Language


In this article, the author describes Lakota epistemology in ways that reveal its natural “holistic” dimensions. Referring to Indigenous ways of knowing, healing and spirituality, she offers examples of how they are each the embodiment of holistic understandings.


Author Biography

Ethleen Iron Cloud Two Dogs

Ethleen Iron Cloud Two Dogs is of the Knife Chief Buffalo Nation that takes care of a herd of buffalo used for sustenance and spiritual purposes. She is the wife of the highly respected spiritual leader and interpreter of the sacred for the Oglala Lakota Sioux. Ethleen is a Program Director for the Mental Health Project in the Oglala SiouxTribe in South Dakota. As a member of the Ethnicity, Race and Mental Health Commission and a leader of the Oglala Women’s Equity Movement, sher presentations apprear a number of times in C-SPAN Library, with her first appearance in 2002.




How to Cite

Iron Cloud Two Dogs, E. (2023). Lakota Epistemology as Holistic Being. Holistic Education Review, 3(1). Retrieved from