Day 3 Conference Proceedings

Engaging with Meditative Inquiry in Teaching, Learning, and Research


  • Bonnie Petersen Mount Saint Vincent University
  • Ashwani Kumar
  • Alexandra Barclay Mount Saint Vincent University
  • Angie Kolen St. Francis Xavier University
  • Leigh-Ann MacFarlane Mount Saint Vincent University
  • Suzanne Le-May Sheffield Dalhousie University
  • Gavan Watson Memorial University
  • Balaganapathi Devarakonda University of Delhi
  • R. Michael Fisher In Search of Fearlessness Research Institute ; International Journal of Fear Studies
  • Kelly Resmer Mount Saint Vincent University
  • Laurie Cook Acadia University
  • Linday Leighton Mount Saint Vincent University
  • Stephanie McDonald St. Francis Xavier University
  • Neeraj Verma Dalhousie University
  • Antony Card Mount Saint Vincent University
  • Scott MacMillan Mount Saint Vincent University
  • Bonnie Peterson Mount Saint Vincent University
  • Iain McLeod Mount Saint Vincent University
  • Alexandra (Ali) Barclay Mount Saint Vincent University


higher education, teaching, educational development, philosophical counselling, un-grading, meditative inquiry, dialogue, self-realization


The final day of the conference began with a lively panel discussion and Q&A with four higher education teaching and learning specialists, Angie Kolen, Leigh-Ann MacFarlane, Dr. Suzanne Le-May Sheffield, and Dr. Gavan Watson, who offered a true dialogue on the topic of teaching and learning. The second keynote panel featured scholars Balaganapathi Devarakonda, R. Michael Fisher, and Kelly Resmer, who offered presentations considering philosophical counselling, fearlessness, and the chemistry lab. This was followed by a panel of community and healthcare practitioners, Laurie Cook, Lindsay Leighton, Stephanie McDonald, Neeraj Verma, who spoke on the role of meditative inquiry in community development, evidence- based practices, mental health therapy, and medical education. After the closing remarks by the Dean of Education Antony Card, the Coordinator of the Teaching and Learning Centre, Scott MacMillan, the Conference Committee and Ashwani Kumar, a beautiful in-person cultural
evening was held on the campus of Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax (Canada). The In-Person Cultural Evening hosted about 75 attendees to Indian food and classical music, Indigenous flute music, spoken word poetry, and African drumming. This beautiful cultural event brought many diverse voices, music, and art together to share in Dr. Kumar’s success and achievement with the publication of Engaging with Meditative Inquiry in Teaching, Learning
and Research and the three-day conference focused on this ground-breaking book.

Table of Contents

12) Panel on Meditative Inquiry and Teaching and Learning in Higher Education - Page 2
13) Keynote Panel 2: Interdisciplinary Exploration of Meditative Inquiry - Page 6
14) Practitioners’ Panel on Meditative Inquiry - Page 10
15) Closing Remarks - Page 15




How to Cite

Petersen, B., Kumar, A., Barclay, A., Kolen, A., MacFarlane, L.-A., Le-May Sheffield, S., … Barclay, A. (Ali). (2023). Day 3 Conference Proceedings: Engaging with Meditative Inquiry in Teaching, Learning, and Research. Holistic Education Review, 3(2(a). Retrieved from

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