Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Broadening the Circle of Holistic Education Practice

Dear Reader,

We invite you to imagine all of us—authors, readers, educators, learners—in a circle together. In this circle we are engaged in a sacred moment that is familiar to most holistic educators—the opening ritual that initiates a class, a meeting, or a gathering. In this case, our ritual is initiating the journey of the new Holistic Education Review: Education for Meaning and Social Justice. I invite you to close your eyes and take three deep breaths: One for our past—with reverence for the legacy of holistic education. One for the present—noticing what is alive in our hearts. One for the future—with your exhale blowing forth hope toward the next Seven Generations of learners. May all be well.

Our theme for this first issue—Broadening the Circle of Holistic Education—represents the past and present of holistic education, while gazing toward the future.  

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Published: 2021-05-14